Sorell Bowls and Community Club

Congratulations to the winners of our major raffle!

  • 1st Carolyn Geddes
  • 2nd Liam O’Brien
  • 3rd Betty Spaulding
  • 4th Judy Bannister
  • 5th Ricky McCulloch
  • 6th Wayne Clark

Our green is closed from 25th March 2025 for the replacement of the playing surface – please stay tuned for the completion of the work, and the opening of the new green!

Barefoot Bowls (Summer)

Barefoot Bowls on Friday nights has now ended – it will return with daylight saving in October!

Social Bowls and Scroungers (Winter)

Social Winter Bowls are suspended until the replacement of the greens is completed.

Wednesday, Friday and Saturday over the winter months sees members and friends rugged up for a very informal game of social bowls. Wednesday and Saturday are played in random teams, Scroungers on Friday is individual play with a modified format. All forms of social bowls are suitable for newcomers to the game, as your team-mates will help you get to grips with the rules and strategy! Saturday is followed by afternoon tea.

Cost is $5 per player and everyone is most welcome. Come at 12 for a 12.30 start.