By-laws: Committees


C1. Greens Committee

(1) The Board of Management will appoint a Greenkeeper to manage and maintain the green.

(2) The Greenkeeper may appoint up to five assistant greenkeepers to form a Greens Committee.

(3) The Greenkeeper will report any matters of interest or concern to the Board of Management each month.

(4) The Greenkeeper will be the Chairperson of the Greens Committee (if one is formed).

(5) The Greenkeeper will have full control and supervision of the playing area and the authority to prevent play if at any time it is considered play would be detrimental to the green.

C2. Ladies Selection Committee

(1) The Ladies Selection Committee will comprise a maximum of two female members from each pennant division the club nominates in plus a chairwoman of selectors.

(2) The chairwoman and female selectors will be elected from female members who are eligible to nominate in accordance with By Law P5(2).

(3) Nominations for the Ladies Selection Committee will be voted on at the Ladies General Meeting.

(4) The Ladies Selection Committee will be responsible for women-only pennant selection but not club fixtures or club championships.

(5) When a selector changes their division, other than to fill a casual vacancy, they will forfeit their position as selector and the division affected will nominate a new selector.

C3. Men’s Selection Committee

(1) The Men’s Selection Committee will comprise a maximum of two male members from each pennant division the club nominates in plus a chairman of selectors.

(2) The chairman and male selectors will be elected from male members who are eligible to nominate in accordance with By Law P5(2).

(3) Nominations for the Men’s Selection Committee will be voted on at the Men’s General Meeting.

(4) The Men’s Selection Committee will be responsible for men-only pennant selection but not club fixtures or club championships.

(5) When a selector changes their division, other than to fill a casual vacancy, they will forfeit their position as selector and the division affected will nominate a new selector.

C4. Saturday Selection Committee

(1) The Saturday Selection Committee should, where possible, comprise two members from each division plus a chairperson.

  1. All members who are eligible to nominate in accordance with By Law P5(2).may nominate as a selector or as the chairperson.
  2. The chairperson and each selector will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

(2) When a selector changes their division, other than to fill a casual vacancy, they will forfeit their position as selector and a new selector will be elected by the division that bears the vacancy.

(3) The Saturday Selection Committee will be responsible for Saturday pennant selection only.

C5. Ladies Match Committee

(1) The Ladies Match Committee will comprise a maximum of four female members plus a chairwoman.

(2) The Ladies Match Committee will be elected from female Bowls or Life Members who were fully financial prior to the close of the previous financial year.

(3) Nominations for the Ladies Match Committee will be voted on at the Ladies General Meeting.

(4) The Ladies Match Committee will be responsible for women-only bowls fixtures and women-only club championships but not pennant selection.

(5) The Ladies Match Committee will grade players in accordance with By Law B6.

C6. Men’s Match Committee

(1) The Men’s Match Committee will comprise a maximum of four male members plus a chairman.

(2) The Men’s Match Committee will be elected from male Bowls or Life Members who were fully financial prior to the close of the previous financial year.

(3) Nominations for the Men’s Match Committee will be voted on at the Men’s General Meeting.

(4) The Men’s Match Committee will be responsible for men-only bowls fixtures and men-only club championships but not pennant selection.

(5) The Men’s Match Committee will grade players in accordance with By Law B6.

C7. Club Match Committee

(1) The Club Match Committee will comprise:

  1. a member of the Ladies Match Committee,
  2. a member of the Men’s Match Committee, and
  3. a chairperson to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

(2) The Club Match Committee will be responsible for all mixed bowls fixtures and mixed club championships, other than those prescribed in By-Laws C5 and C6.

(3) The Club Match Committee chairperson will be elected by all Bowls and Life members present at the Annual General Meeting.

(4) The Club Match Committee will grade players in accordance with By Law B6.

C8. Winter Social Bowls Committee

(1) A Winter Social Bowls Committee may be appointed by the Board of Management to run and cater for this fixture.


C9. Bowls Tasmania South Delegates

(1) The President and Vice-President will represent the Club as voting delegates at meetings of Bowls Tasmania South.

(2) If either delegate cannot attend a meeting another member of the Board will represent the Club in their place.

C10. Licensee

(1) The Board of Management will appoint a suitably-qualified member to be the Licensee of the Club in accordance with the Liquor Licensing Act 1990.

(2) Once appointed, the Licensee will continue in the role subject to Board of Management confirmation each year.

C11. Bar Manager

(1) The Board of Management will appoint a suitably-qualified member to be Bar Manager of the club.

(2) The Bar Manager will be responsible for the stocking and running of the bar.

(3) The Bar Manager will be an ex officio member of the Board of Management.

C12. Provedore

(1) The Board of Management will appoint a Provedore of the club.

(2) The Provedore will be responsible for stocking and running of the kitchen.

(3) The Provedore will be an ex officio member of the Board of Management.

C13. Club Hire Coordinator

(1) The Board of Management will appoint a member of the board to be the Club Hire Coordinator (CHC).

(2) The CHC will be responsible for liaison with prospect hirer’s of the Club and will ensure all requirements of the hire are met.

C14. Bereavement Officer

(1) The Board of Management will appoint a member of the board to act as Bereavement Officer.

(2) Upon receiving advice of the passing of a financial member, the Bereavement officer will:

  1. Place a notice in the Mercury newspaper
  2. Send a condolence card to the family
  3. Ensure an appropriate notice is placed on the club’s website

(3) Upon receiving advice of the passing of a non-financial member of the club, the Bereavement officer will:

  1. Send a condolence card to the family if the appropriate address is known
  2. Ensure an appropriate notice is placed on the club’s website

(4) When a non-financial member discontinued their membership due to illness, the Bereavement Officer will also place a notice in the Mercury newspaper.

C15. Health and Safety Officer

(1) The Board of Management will appoint a member of the board to be the Health and Safety Officer (HSO) for the club.

(2) The HSO will be responsible for ensuring any safety issues are remediated as soon as they are identified.


C16. President

(1) The duties of the President will be

  1. preside at all meetings
  2. regulate and keep order in all proceedings, and
  3. carry into effect the Constitution and By-Laws of the club.

(2) The President will represent the club at official regional and state functions.

(3) The President will act as spokesperson for the members of his/her gender.

C17. Vice-president

(1) The duties of the Vice President will be to assist the President and perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.

(2) The Vice President will act as spokesperson for the members of his/her gender.

C18. Secretary

(1) The duties of the Secretary will be to:

  1. record and make available the minutes of all meetings
  2. conduct all correspondence in connection with the general business of the Club
  3. keep a register of the members at the Club
  4. in any respect carry out those duties usually associated with the office of Secretary.

(2) The Secretary will, if possible, attend all meetings of the Board of Management and of Annual and Special General Meetings of the Club.

(3) The Secretary may delegate any duties to the Assistant Secretary as is mutually agreed between them or as directed by the Board of Management.

C19. Assistant Secretary

(1) The duties of the Assistant Secretary will be to assist the Secretary in their duties as delegated in accordance with By-Law C18(3).

(2) The Assistant Secretary may represent the Secretary as a minute taker at meetings if required.

C20. Treasurer

(1) The duties of the Treasurer will be:

  1. To receive all moneys belonging to the funds of the Club, and within a reasonable time to deposit or arrange for deposit of such moneys with the Club’s bankers.
  2. To pay all accounts.
  3. To keep correct accounts of all moneys received and expended.
  4. To prepare and submit financial statements to each Annual General Meeting.

(2) The Treasurer is to produce a statement of all financial transactions and of the financial position of the Club, including the bank balance, at each ordinary meeting of the Board of Management.
