By-laws: Policy

These by-laws are viewable in Portable Document Format (PDF) on our Google Drive.

Table of contents


P1. Alcohol Policy

(1) Introduction

(a) The Sorell Bowls and Community Club has been issued a Special Permit (Club Permit) that authorises the sale of alcohol on the premises only during hours approved by the Commissioner for Licensing.

(b) Alcohol sold under the authority of this permit may only be consumed on the premises (which includes the club grounds) and only during hours specified in the permit.

(c) The permit must be displayed behind the bar.

(2) Sale of alcohol

(a) The sale of alcohol on the Club’s premises is principally for the social enjoyment of the club’s members and visitors to the club.

(b) The club’s bar facility is not licensed to be a commercial business, and the club’s bar facility is not available for use by the general public.

(c) The sale of alcohol on the club premises must be supervised by the Licensee or the Bar Manager as the Licensee’s representative.

(3) Serving of alcohol

(a) Persons serving alcohol are to be RSA accredited.

(b) A copy of the certificate is to be held behind the bar and details are to be published to the Club’s website.

(c) The RSA certificate is to be provided to officers of Tasmania Police and/or officers of the Commissioner for Licensing upon request.

(4) Unauthorised alcohol

(a) Alcohol cannot be brought into the club – it must be purchased from the bar.

(b) Alcohol cannot be taken from the club – it must be consumed on the premises.

(c) Unauthorised alcohol cannot be consumed on club grounds.

(d) Unauthorised alcohol will be confiscated – either by bar staff or any Board member – and returned when the person leaves the club.

(e) The Board of Management may impose fines/penalties if breaches of this policy are reported.

P2. Smoking Policy

(1) Introduction

(a) The Bowls Australia Smoke and Alcohol Policy has been adopted by the Sorell Bowls and Community Club as it relates to smoking.

(b) In addition, the Club will comply with the Public Health Act 1997 (Tasmania).

(c) Under Tasmanian law, electronic cigarettes are considered to be the same as paper cigarettes and pipes.

(d) This policy applies no matter the substance smoked or the item used to smoke it.

(e) The Board of Management may impose fines/penalties if breaches of this policy are reported.

(2) Smoke-free zones

(a) The Board has a responsibility to protect members, staff and visitors from exposure to second hand smoke.

(b) The Club can be fined if a person smokes in in a smoke-free zone.

(c) The following areas are designated as permanent smoke-free zones:

  1. the green
  2. the bank surrounding the green
  3. all indoor areas

(d) The whole club – including the grounds – is designated as a smoke-free zone when an organised bowls activity is underway, and for 30 minutes before and after play.

(3) Smoking zones

(a) Smoking is permitted outside when bowls is not being played as long as the smoker is at least seven metres away from opening doors and two metres away from the green.

(b) Smoking outside the boundaries of the club is a matter for local and state authorities and not within the jurisdiction of the club.

P3. Code of Conduct and Behaviour

(1) Introduction

(a) The Sorell Bowls and Community Club aims to provide an enjoyable, comfortable, safe and rewarding environment for all people associated with the club.

(b) This policy applies equally to members and their guests, including players from other clubs visiting the club for pennant or other competitions.

(c) Members, visitors and guests of the club have a right to:

  1. be treated with fairness and respect
  2. participate in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination
  3. have their privacy and confidentiality protected.

(d) Members may submit their views or concerns to the Board of Management or any committee of the club provided this is done appropriately and respectfully.

(e) The Board of Management will investigate and deal with concerns in a timely manner. They will advise all concerned parties of their decision, which will close the matter.

(2) At all times

(a) It is expected that members and visitors of the club will at all times:

  1. Be friendly, courteous and respectful towards other members, visitors and staff
  2. Respect teammates, opponents, officials and the rules of the game
  3. Refrain from behaviour that would bring the game or the club into disrepute
  4. Refrain from behaviour that could offend or embarrass others
  5. Behave in non-violent and non-abusive ways
  6. Respect the positions of officer, committee members and employees of the club
  7. Treat the property and facilities of the club with respect, and
  8. Contribute positively to the sporting and social activities of the club.

(b) Conduct is a matter of concern to all members – poor conduct has a negative impact, and can be harmful and destructive to a club!

(c) It is the responsibility of all members to ensure that their behaviour is appropriate at all times.

(3) Reciprocity

(a) If a member is offensive or abusive, responding in the same manner will also be considered a breach of this policy.

(b) The only reasonable and acceptable response is to not engage in a negative behaviour.

(c) It is acceptable to report the concern/matter to the Board of Management to be investigated under breaches of this policy.

(4) When representing the club

(a) Any member representing the club must not engage in conduct which is violent, aggressive, inappropriate or prejudicial to the interests of the club.

(b) A member representing the club, for the purposes of this rule, is defined as anyone who:

  1. is wearing club uniform or any items of uniform that identifies them as a member of the club
  2. represents the club in any bowls event
  3. participates in any bowls event at our club or at another club
  4. attends such event(s) as a spectator.

(5) While on the green or surrounds

(a) Bowlers will show respect to their team mates, and opponents, and play the game of bowls within BA Laws and/or BTS Conditions of Play, to the highest degree of sportsmanship and honesty.

(b) Bowlers will not engage in abusive language, dissent, conduct unbecoming, or actions which would bring the game of bowls, or the Club, into disrepute.

(c) Spectators on the surrounds of the green will conduct themselves in a manner that ensures that bowlers are not distracted.

(6) Within the clubrooms

(a) Members, visitors and guests will ensure that the comfort of other patrons is not unreasonably disturbed.

(b) Members, visitors and guests will respect other patrons and will conduct themselves in a manner that will not cause offense.

(c) Members, visitors and guests will consume alcohol responsibly and will accept any staff or licensee decision to discontinue the serving of alcohol without complaint.

(7) Elected officials of the club

(a) Members of the Board of Management of the club, and members of any committees of the club, will:

  1. Declare any conflicts of interest
  2. Act with impartiality and integrity
  3. Act with the best interests of the club and its members in mind
  4. Actively ensure the health, safety and welfare of members, visitors and guests of the club, and
  5. Act on any breaches of this policy.

(8) Reporting and resolving breaches

(a) Breaches of this policy are to be reported to any member of the Board of Management or committee as appropriate. For example, a breach during a club championship should be referred to the relevant Match Committee.

(b) If a matter is referred to a committee, the chair of that committee must inform the Board of Management in writing about the particulars of the matter.

(c) Any breach of this policy will be resolved calmly, with honesty, dignity, and as far as possible, confidentiality will be maintained.

(d) The breach is to be dealt with by the relevant body as quickly as possible after the breach is reported.

(e) Where and when required, the Board of Management has the right to make decisions, and enforce fair and appropriate measures, to resolve a breach of this policy.

(f) Any reported breach of this policy will be investigated, discussed and dealt with by the Board of Management (or by an independent tribunal should the matter warrant it) in accordance with the rules of natural justice.

(9) Sanctions

(a) In the case of a club member, the Board of Management or tribunal may impose a warning, reprimand, or suspension or revocation of club membership, if the charge is upheld.

(b) In the case of non-club members, the Board of Management or tribunal may impose a ban from the club for a set period of time or for life.

(c) Any breach may also include referral to Bowls Tasmania South and/or Bowls Tasmania if the Board of Management or tribunal believes the offense warrants it.

(d) Any breach of State or Commonwealth law will be referred to the police for further action.

(10) Natural justice

(a) The rules of natural justice can be stated as:

  1. the person accused should receive notice of, and know the nature of the accusation made against him or her,
  2. the person accused should be given the opportunity to state his or her case, and
  3. the person or body hearing the case should act in good faith and without bias.

(b) The person accused is therefore entitled to a full and fair notification of the charge and a reasonable opportunity to prepare and present a defence to an unbiased tribunal.

(c) Notification of an alleged breach of this policy should:

  1. be in writing and delivered personally to the individual concerned,
  2. clearly set out the nature, particulars and basis of, the alleged breach,
  3. clearly set out the sanctions which may be imposed if it is determined that the alleged breach has occurred, and
  4. clearly set out the time, date, composition of, and place at which the relevant tribunal will conduct the hearing.

(d) There is no natural justice requirement that a person is entitled to legal representation. All parties should consult a Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) if they have any questions about policy or procedure.

P4. Child Protection Policy

(1) Introduction

(a) The Sorell Bowls and Community Club values the participation of young people in the sport of Lawn Bowls, and aims to see them grow, mature and be challenged in a healthy and safe environment.

(b) The Club is committed to ensuring that all children (anyone under 18 years of age) are able to participate and enjoy our sport free from any abuse, neglect, inappropriate or hostile behaviour.

(c) Children will be treated with respect, and will be expected to treat adults and others with respect.

(d) The Club is committed to ensuring everyone has a clear understanding of the spectrum of behaviours that define child abuse.

(e) All members have a responsibility to comply with the law, and the Club will enforce this requirement.

(2) Administration

(a) The Club will ensure that each junior member is formally registered via an information/consent form to be completed by the junior’s parent or guardian.

(b) These forms, which will have vital information about health and emergency contacts, will be kept securely to ensure privacy is maintained.

(c) A copy should be carried by the child when participating in a sporting activity.

(3) Reporting/Concerns

(a) It is important that people working with children are aware of the indicators of abuse and have the confidence to respond to any indication that a child may have been abused

(b) Anyone who has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a child is being neglected, abused or is in need of protection should report it to the Child Protection Officer (or in their absence, to a Board member) immediately.

(c) The person does not have to be certain or have proof, but only needs to make sure the concerns are well-founded and based on information they know or have obtained from a reliable source.

(4) Child Protection Officers

(a) The Board of Management has appointed all club coaches with Working for Children accreditation as Child Protection Officers for the club.

(b) The Board is to ensure everyone is aware of the identity of the Child Protection Officers.

(c) The Child Protection Officer is responsible for:

  1. Ensuring that this policy is being put into practice.
  2. Being the first point of contact for child protection issues.
  3. Keeping a record of any concerns expressed about child protection issues.
  4. Bringing any child protection concerns to the notice of the Board of Management.
  5. Contacting the Local Authority if appropriate.
  6. Ensuring paid staff and volunteers are given appropriate supervision.

P5. Selection Policy

(1) Qualities of Selectors

(a) The Chairperson should have a thorough understanding of

  1. the conditions of play for all grades
  2. the laws of the sport,
  3. players who haven’t paid their fees, and
  4. other considerations that may affect a decision of selection.

(b) The Chairperson should have good communication skills as they may be called on to draft statements of reasons for selection decisions to provide to the state association or another appeals body.

(c) All Selectors should encourage ways to develop team spirit and compatibility.

(d) All Selectors should form leadership groups in each division.

(e) All Selectors are to enforce the club’s Conflict of Interest policy with respect to all selection decisions.

(2) Selection Committee eligibility

(a) To be eligible to become a selector, the nominee must

  1. Be an affiliated Bowls Member or Life Member
  2. Who is fully financial in the current financial year, and
  3. Who played for Sorell in the nominated pennant in the previous season.

(b) An unaffiliated Life Member may be elected as a selector but cannot play in pennant games.

(3) Selection decisions

(a) The Chairperson will not have a deliberate vote in selection but in the unlikely event of a tied vote or dispute, the Chairperson will have a casting vote.

(b) The Chairperson is to ensure they can make or reach a decision that is independent from bias and fair to all players.

(c) If the Chairperson feels they cannot do this, they may appoint an independent arbiter or refer the matter to the Board of Management for resolution.

(d) Selection decisions must be positive and transparent.

(e) A record must be kept of all decisions and the reasons for making them.

(4) Selection scrutiny

(a) The Chairperson has the right to question any selection that is not in the best interest of the club.

(b) They are to ensure that the selection process follows the selection procedures that have been developed in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws.

(c) The Chairperson will have a power of veto if decisions are made which are contrary to the Constitution or this Selection Policy.

(d) If the Chairperson exercises their veto, they must advise the President as soon as possible and explain the reasons for the veto.

(5) Communication of decisions

(a) The Chairperson is to assist Selectors in the communication of promotion or demotion of a player.

(b) A player is entitled to be individually notified of the fact that he/she has been promoted or demoted and the reason for that decision.

(c) The notification of a player’s promotion or demotion and the reason for the decision is to take place at least one hour before training or after training ends.

(d) Under no circumstances is a player’s promotion or demotion to be communicated to anyone outside of the selection meeting, before it is communicated to the player.

(e) Reading out of the teams is to be carried out by the Chairperson after training.

(6) Selection meetings

(a) The Chairperson has the responsibility for organising selection meetings.

(b) The selection committee is accountable to the Board of Management, who has the right to rule on selection issues that are escalated to them.

(7) Selection considerations

(a) The Selection Committee it to set an overall goal for each division for the coming season at their first meeting and use those goals as the basis for selection decisions.

(b) Selection is to be made on a fair and equitable basis – in other words on merit – regardless of gender (where appropriate).

(c) Each divisional Selector is part of the overall Selection Committee and is to ensure each rink in their division is made up of teams of equal ability.

(d) Selection for a division is to be based on current form, player performance and ability, player motivation, compatibility with other members in the side and commitment at practice and to club success.

(e) Selectors should look for opportunities to promote promising players to higher grades to give them experience, the opportunity to learn from seasoned performers, and the chance to perform at a higher level.

P6. Conflict of Interest policy

To be developed.

In the interim, refer to clause 15.7 of the constitution for guidance.

P7. Strategic Plan

(1) The Club’s Strategic Plan will be reviewed by the incoming Board of Management at their first meeting.

(2) The Board of Management will obtain a progress report from those identified as responsible for achieving or implementing the objectives of the Strategic Plan.

(3) Amendments, alterations or other changes to the Strategic Plan will be made by a working party of members formed for that purpose.

(4) The working party will be made up of seven members as follows:

  1. A nominated officer of the Board (facilitator)
  2. Three female members, and
  3. Three male members.
