Milestones, News

Well done, Sorell!

Hello Everybody

There were things that happened at our club recently that I want comment on.

The first was the Division 4 ladies making the Preliminary Final, what a great effort.  Whilst they didn’t quite make to the Big Game their efforts are definitely something to be proud of and I hope all members of our club are as proud as I am when we look back at what has been achieved.  A big “Well Done” ladies (and the men that helped out from time to time).

The second was the turn out for the “Working Bee”.  There was a great attendance and the stones that were delivered were moved in a very short time.  The scones, both savory and sweet, and the cake were well received at “smoko” as were the hamburgers at lunch.  So to all that participated I extend a big “Thank You” for a job well done.

There will be more stones delivered in the near future so to the people that missed out on this working bee – don’t worry there will be another chance to come along shortly.

Once again, a big “Well Done” to all those that participated.


John Scott